Industry-leading sustainability and Universal Design.

Proud Winner of the 2020 USGBC LEED Homes Award for Outstanding Single-Family Project & NAHB Best in American Living Silver Award for a Green One-of-a-Kind Custom Home


A catalyst for change

GREENLAB is a catalyst for change meant to inspire architects, designers, and contractors to use green technology and incorporate universal design across all projects, leading to a better quality of life for homeowners and renters alike. This project is not just a collection of green systems; it is a holistic, integrated approach to reducing the carbon footprint of a home while maximizing its form and function, all while elevating comfort for all ages and abilities.


Lead by example

Interior designer Adrienne Akin Faulkner and architect Gary Gene Olp designed GREENLAB to demonstrate how intentionally integrating smart systems and green technology early on can reduce the carbon footprint of a property, while simultaneously exhibiting the burgeoning concept of aging in place, known as Universal Design. The result is a unique and comfortable space that transcends generational limitations allowing individuals of all ages to live their best life.


“A beacon for those needing inspiration to make changes within the industry.”

— Adrienne Akin Faulkner

“Where we go from here is just going to be incredible. There isn't any limit.”

— Gary Gene Olp
